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The Romance Vault

Para ♦ Suspense ♦ Dystopian ♦ New Adult ♦ Contemporary ♦ Erotica ♦ What's the connection?....... Romance of course!

Lockout (The Alpha Group, #2)

Lockout (The Alpha Group, #2) - Maya Cross Yes I am truly hooked on Sebastian and Sophia. It's hot, it's sexy, it's sassy and it's written very, very well.

Maya really does bring her cast to life with flourishing penmanship that draws you in, holds you and urges you to read on. Now this book two wasn't as totally awe filled as book 1 it seemed a little lighter but the prose was still there, the heady will she, won't he, the guess work as to whether secrets would come to light. I was even close to shedding a few tears towards the end of this book, you can't help but feel deeply for Sophia and want to bitch slap a certain work colleague, oh my god I hope they get their comeupance. As to the ending in this book, if I am honest I thought something like that was going to happen but I honestly didn't feel disappointed by it and I can't wait to hit book 3 and found out their outcome and watch hopefully their HEA pan out and the secrets unravelled.